Okay, this is a "help me with my homework" type request, so feel free to tell 
me to go away.
But I have been tasked with creating a simple task management system. For it, I 
need to store tasks: who is assigned, what is assigned, and when it is due. 
Where the task could be recurring, ie due the 15th of each month, or April 15th 
of each year.  No problem, I could just use a vcalendar/ical library and store 
the data in there.
However, I need to store status information for each instance of each recurring 
task. I am not sure how to bridge the gap between one entry for each recurring 
task and detail for individual instances, where the task could continue forever 
and thus there would be an "infinite" number of detail records. (Well, 
actually, that would be a simple relation between tables, but I don't know of a 
library that can store recurring data in a database table, I've only seen ones 
that store it is calendar data files.)

So I would appreciate any clues to how I should set that up? Or links to open 
source programs/libraries that already do that (with code simple enough that I 
could understand what they are doing.... I'm not the smartest tool in the 
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