
I am running into an issue while trying to make our code more efficient
when talking to Oracle - what is much faster when going to the fat RDBMS
is curiously slow on sqlite.

Basically when doing a join like

 select * from base b join derived d using (id) order by d.id

the query plan is abysmal slower than when using

 select * from base b join derived d using (id) order by b.id

I would have expected that b.id is basically an alias for d.id as this
is a simple left join. Unfortunately it is not simple to change this in
our query as it is created using the SQLAlchemy ORM.

In case anybody would be so kind and take a look at this I included a
small SQL Script to reproduce. Results here are:

> $ /opt/sqlite3/bin/sqlite3 -version
> 3.23.2 2018-05-09 02:23:29 
> f139f6f07df094a0a62e0a55ae7e91dc68006d55c9db7b244a945cc8216f55ff
> $ /opt/sqlite3/bin/sqlite3 < weird_plan.sql 
> This results in a blazingly fast execution:
> addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment      
> ----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
> 0     Init           0     19    0                    00  Start at 19  
> 1     Noop           2     4     0                    00               
> 2     Integer        100   1     0                    00  r[1]=100; LIMIT 
> counter
> 3     Integer        0     2     0                    00  r[2]=0       
> 4     MustBeInt      2     0     0                    00  OFFSET counter
> 5     OffsetLimit    1     3     2                    00  if r[1]>0 then 
> r[3]=r[1]+max(0,r[2]) else r[3]=(-1); LIMIT+OFFSET
> 6     OpenRead       1     4     0     0              00  root=4 iDb=0; 
> derived
> 7     OpenRead       0     2     0     2              00  root=2 iDb=0; base
> 8     SeekLT         1     18    4                    00  key=r[4]; pk 
> 9       Rowid          1     5     0                    00  r[5]=rowid   
> 10      SeekRowid      0     17    5                    00  intkey=r[5]; pk
> 11      Ge             4     17    5                    54  if r[5]>=r[4] 
> goto 17
> 12      IfPos          2     17    1                    00  if r[2]>0 then 
> r[2]-=1, goto 17; OFFSET
> 13      Copy           5     7     0                    00  r[7]=r[5]    
> 14      Column         0     1     8                    00  
> r[8]=base.modification_time
> 15      ResultRow      7     2     0                    00  output=r[7..8]
> 16      DecrJumpZero   1     18    0                    00  if (--r[1])==0 
> goto 18
> 17    Prev           1     9     0                    00               
> 18    Halt           0     0     0                    00               
> 19    Transaction    0     0     4     0              01  usesStmtJournal=0
> 20    Integer        5463052  4     0                    00  r[4]=5463052 
> 21    Goto           0     1     0                    00               
> This takes seconds with real data:
> addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment      
> ----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
> 0     Init           0     30    0                    00  Start at 30  
> 1     OpenEphemeral  2     4     0     k(1,-B)        00  nColumn=4    
> 2     Integer        100   1     0                    00  r[1]=100; LIMIT 
> counter
> 3     Integer        0     2     0                    00  r[2]=0       
> 4     MustBeInt      2     0     0                    00  OFFSET counter
> 5     OffsetLimit    1     3     2                    00  if r[1]>0 then 
> r[3]=r[1]+max(0,r[2]) else r[3]=(-1); LIMIT+OFFSET
> 6     OpenRead       1     4     0     0              00  root=4 iDb=0; 
> derived
> 7     OpenRead       0     2     0     2              00  root=2 iDb=0; base
> 8     Rewind         1     23    0                    00               
> 9     Integer        5463052  4     0                    00  r[4]=5463052 
> 10      Rowid          1     5     0                    00  r[5]=rowid   
> 11      Ge             4     23    5                    53  if r[5]>=r[4] 
> goto 23
> 12      SeekRowid      0     22    5                    00  intkey=r[5]; pk
> 13      Ge             7     22    5                    54  if r[5]>=r[7] 
> goto 22
> 14      Column         0     1     10                   00  
> r[10]=base.modification_time
> 15      Copy           5     8     0                    00  r[8]=r[5]    
> 16      Sequence       2     9     0                    00  
> r[9]=cursor[2].ctr++
> 17      MakeRecord     8     3     12                   00  
> r[12]=mkrec(r[8..10])
> 18      IdxInsert      2     12    8     3              00  key=r[12]    
> 19      IfNotZero      3     22    0                    00  if r[3]!=0 then 
> r[3]--, goto 22
> 20      Last           2     0     0                    00               
> 21      Delete         2     0     0                    00               
> 22    Next           1     10    0                    00               
> 23    Sort           2     29    0                    00               
> 24      IfPos          2     28    1                    00  if r[2]>0 then 
> r[2]-=1, goto 28; OFFSET
> 25      Column         2     2     11                   00  
> r[11]=base_modification_time
> 26      Column         2     0     10                   00  r[10]=base_id
> 27      ResultRow      10    2     0                    00  output=r[10..11]
> 28    Next           2     24    0                    00               
> 29    Halt           0     0     0                    00               
> 30    Transaction    0     0     4     0              01  usesStmtJournal=0
> 31    Integer        5463052  7     0                    00  r[7]=5463052 
> 32    Goto           0     1     0                    00

TIA for your support!

Greetings, Torsten


Niederlassung Dresden
Torsten Landschoff
Pohlandstraße 19
01309 Dresden

Tel: +49-351-312002-10
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