
On 2018-05-17 15:07, Stiefsohn, Roman wrote:

i found out that SQLite is having problems with converting high numbers from string to 
double, located in the function "sqlite3AtoF":

Yes -- it is having problems, however the problems are located in a compiler which lacks long double support and not in ``sqlite3AtoF''.

Below is a table of input strings, and the returned double values, tested on 
Windows 7 64 bit with SQLite version 3.23.1:

Input String:                              Converted Result
1.7976931348623152e+308                    1.7976931348623153e+308
1.7976931348623154e+308                    1.7976931348623157e+308
1.7976931348623155e+308                    1.7976931348623157e+308
1.7976931348623156e+308                    1.7976931348623157e+308
1.7976931348623157e+308                    INF
1.7976931348623158e+308                    INF

Ok - should be:

...152e+308 => ...151e+308
...154e+308 => ...153e+308
...155e+308 => ...155e+308
...156e+308 => ...155e+308
...157e+308 => ...157e+308
...158e+308 => ...157e+308

Use a compiler supporting long doubles -- results will be more adequate.

Conversion must be done using higher precision then a destination type's one. There exist two operations (thus a rounding occurs twice), so you lose one (ln nof ops / ln 2 == 1) bit at least, what leads to not so accurate results if you are using the same precision as a precision of the destination type. In a border case:


Mantissa (exact value): 1.7976931348623158 ==> 17976931348623158 * 10^-16 == /2 ==> 8988465674311579 * 2 * 10^-16 ==> (0x1.FEEF63F97D79B * 2^53) * 10^-16. The last factor goes to an exponent.

Ten's exponent (approx value, however the most accurate, what is never occurring): 10^308 * 10^-16 ==> 10^292 ==> 0x402225AF3D53E7C2BCC068B1E... (243 hex digits) ==> 0x1.008896BCF54F9|F0AF301A2C79EB7036... * 2^970 == rounding ==> 0x1.008896BCF54FA * 2^970

Now we have a final number:

(0x1.FEEF63F97D79B * 2^53) * (0x1.008896BCF54FA * 2^970) ==> 0x1.FEEF63F97D79B * 0x1.008896BCF54FA * 2^1023 ==> 1.FFFFFFFFFFFFF|946300C... * 2^1023 == rounding ==> 2 * 2^1023 == oooops ==> 2^1024 ==> INF. If there was no more then one additional bit of a precision then INF would not appear at all and a finite number: 1.FFFFFFFFFFFFF8 * 2^1023 would emerge.

Originally the behavior was discovered when executing a select statement with a 
comparison of the DBL_MAX Value (1.7976931348623158e+308 ):

Entry in Table:
Id         Value
1          1.1754943508222878e-38
select  id, value from table
inner join
select 1 as Id, 1.1754943508222878e-38 as Value
) table2
on table.id = table2.id
where table.Value < (table2.Value - 2.22045e-16) or table.Value > (table2.Value 
+ 2.22045e-16)

1. Could you include working examples in the future?

2. Where is DBL_MAX?

3. You are adding/subtracting numbers with a difference of 22 in ten's exponent. Is it intentional? If so, then the WHERE condition can be reduced to ``0 < -2.22045e-16 or 0 > +2.22045e-16'' => 0 or 0 => 0 => NULL => nothing.

รจ  This query would return 1 record, although there is a value with the exact 
same value inside the database ( executed with the sqlite c++ api without usage 
of prepared parameters)

4. Due to 3. if an above query had been working, it would not have returned any records/rows.

-- best regards

Cezary H. Noweta
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