On 2018/05/30 3:33 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
On 30 May 2018, at 2:30pm, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

Does SQLite perform the whole _exec() in one transaction or each command in a 
separate transaction ?
Subsidiary question:

Does SQLite parse the entire string of commands for a syntax error first, 
triggering an error if anything is wrong before executing the first command ?  
Or does it execute the first command, then parse the next part of the string 
for a command ?

I'm obviously not a Dev, so this is what usage & testing on my part suggests when I tried to figure out the same long ago:
- There is no implicit transaction.
- Every Item is parsed separately and in-turn.

It's much like the EXEC command follows this pseudo code:

while (inputStr != "") {
  fetch next string section up to next ";" or end of input, whichever comes first;
  process this section as a new SQL command;
  remove this section from inputStr;

Also, in case you are wondering, it seems there is not much penalty either way - using your own list and preparing and executing each query seems much the same speed-wise as feeding the entire list of SQL queries to the EXEC command. This obviously changes significantly the minute you start using multi-iteratable queries with bindings.  (Let's imagine multi-iterable is a real word for a sec.)  :)

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