Hello -

I've been following for a while, a lot of very intelligent
people here, and not a lot of fuss!!! Very nice, my compliments to

I'm just learning SQLite and using it to collect alarm values from a
monitoring system. The monitoring system can't access the SQLite file
directly, so I've been using sqlite3.exe as the intermediate.

Since I'm
making many access to the database the monitoring program is constantly
launching sqlite3.exe with new commands or files of commands, very wasteful
of resources. (Windows 7)

Is there a platform/program that can be run as a
SQLite "front end" that could be launched once and take commands from
another program and pass back results, or is there a way to do that with
sqlite3.exe? I've looked around the web and not found anything, so

Any guidance is greatly appreciated, thanks for your time!!


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