> Le 11 juin 2018 à 10:07, Peter Nacken <peter.nac...@gmx.de> a écrit :
> I try to insert email addresses into a table and get an error with addresses 
> they have a single quotation mark ( na'm...@domain.ltd ).

> Sorry I forgot I‘m using C#

(Assuming: "create table T(E text);" for the following.)

If you're building the text of your insert statement before executing it, you 
will have either to build the statement string as:

insert into T values('na''m...@domain.tld');
insert into T values("na'm...@domain.ltd");

Both of which you can test with the command-line sqlite3.exe.

But it would be far more appropriate to use prepare:

insert into T values(?);

and then bind the parameter before executing. You won't have to alter your data 
for inserting and it will be much better for SQL code injection protection, 
depending where the email address comes from.

I'm sure there is plenty of documentation with your language binding for SQLite 
on how to prepare, bind, execute. Instead of building a final statement as a 
complete string and then execute it.

Best Regards, Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten,
Olivier Mascia

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