Very interesting,  Ryan. Thanks for sharing.

If I would like to use these ranking techniques in SQLite, can I do this
with an extension? Has nobody created a Windowing.dll yet?
Just asking. My short term need has been solved, but now that I know this,
I'm sure I'd like to use this technique later. But I like to stick to


Op ma 25 jun. 2018 om 01:00 schreef R Smith <>:

> On 2018/06/24 9:30 PM, Gert Van Assche wrote:
> > whaw... I could never come up with solutions like this. Will this work
> with
> > SQLite?
> > Where can I read more about this?
> I've only shown that query since Dan asked about it - it's not an SQLite
> query.
> To answer/comment on your questions:
> 1. Sure you can come up with it if you have read about it and understand
> what it is intended for - There is nothing you can't know, only things
> you don't know yet. :)
> 2. This will not work in SQLite currently - it's part of a group of
> functions called "Windowing" functions built into the bigger DB engines
> which do not care about their "Liteness".
> "Windowing functions" is basically a set of functions that treats the
> current ROW and its immediate preceding or acceding rows, or set of
> grouped rows within a bigger query (grouping by whatever common aspect
> you choose) as a unit and can return localized aggregates over them.
> The ranking/row position functions prove especially handy when wanting
> queries to easily produce row orders, ranks, etc. - but I promise you,
> they all are very possible in SQLite without Windowing functions, just
> not quite as obvious (as this thread has shown). More difficult to do
> are things like Percentile or Running-Total, though those too can be
> accomplished with a self-join or correlated sub-query in SQLite.
> The example in the original mail is from MSSQL, but similar queries work
> in Postgres, Oracle, etc.
> 3. You can read more by Googling "RDBMS Windowing functions" - or just
> click here:
> Quick intro to Windowing in SQL (Apologies to all, the following is NOT
> for SQLite [yet]):
> Say I have a list of students in three classrooms and their test scores,
> and I would like to show the listing ranked by their scores, per class.
> Sorting makes part of the problem easy:
> SELECT class, student, score
>    FROM students
>   ORDER BY class, student, score DESC
> ;  -- This works in SQLite
> This might produce a list like:
> class, student, score
> A5, Ann,     94
> A5, Able,    88
> A5, Adrian,  67
> B5, James,   92
> B5, Jenny,   88
> B5, John,    87
> B5, Joan,    74
> C5, Sloan,   98
> C5, Sean,    79
> Now a common thing is to want to put a rank integer number in front of
> every classmate so it is easy to see position, like this (spaced for
> legibility only):
> rank, class, student, score
> 1, A5, Ann,     94
> 2, A5, Able,    88
> 3, A5, Adrian,  67
> 1, B5, James,   92
> 2, B5, Jenny,   88
> 3, B5, John,    87
> 4, B5, Joan,    74
> 1, C5, Sloan,   98
> 2, C5, Sean,    79
> And for that the query will have to produce the whole list (no overall
> grouping) but then group these students by "class" to figure out the
> rank within every class "window" of the  larger query.
> You could say in English: We need to show the RANK *over* every window
> (aka "set of records") that is *partitioned by* the "class" field, where
> the rank within each "class" is determined by the value of the "score"
> field in a *descending order*.  That's easy enough to understand (I hope!).
> All that remains is to translate that to SQL. Looking at the English
> phrase above and the SQL below should quickly clarify how it all fits
> together:
> class, student, score
>    FROM students
>   ORDER BY class, student, score DESC
> ;  -- This example is MSSQL format
> If you don't care about the rank, and simply wish to number the rows in
> some order (student name for example), you could opt for something like:
> student_no, class, student, score
>    FROM students
>   ORDER BY class, student
> ;  -- MSSQL again
> which will output this:
> student_no, class, student, score
> 1, A5, Able,    88
> 2, A5, Adrian,  67
> 3, A5, Ann,     94
> 1, B5, James,   92
> 2, B5, Jenny,   88
> 3, B5, Joan,    74
> 4, B5, John,    87
> 1, C5, Sean,    79
> 2, C5, Sloan,   98
> Of course the aggregate doesn't need to be a rank or row number, it can
> simply be a count() or Avg() or any aggregate function you fancy.
> Lastly, if I now want to only see the top 2 ranked students of every
> class (which is like your original question in this thread), I can
> simply have the RANK query above as an inner query and in the outer
> query add "... WHERE rank <= 2; "[1].
> rank, class, student, score
> 1, A5, Ann,     94
> 2, A5, Able,    88
> 1, B5, James,   92
> 2, B5, Jenny,   88
> 1, C5, Sloan,   98
> 2, C5, Sean,    79
> Now you know. :)
> Cheers,
> Ryan
> [1] - Rank is only useful as a value if the order-by is of a unique
> field (or combination of fields). Consider if the top 5 students had
> scores like 95, 88, 88, 88 and 75. The RANK() function over them would
> produce ranks 1, 2, 2, 2, 5 - because technically the 3 middle scores
> are all the same and so all ranked equally 2nd, while the 5th score is
> 3rd highest and will be ranked either 5th or 3rd based on whether you
> use RANK() [5th] or DENSE_RANK() [3rd] functions.
> To change this to a solid numbered list, it is best to use ROW_NUMBER()
> which forces unique follow-on integers without "holes" in them to once
> again produce 1,2,3,4 and 5.
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