
Is there a way to reduce the size of an index on strings/blobs ?

I have tables which are a key + value, the key is an "integer primary key
autoincrement", which is used for references in all other tables of the
The values are cryptographic GUIDs (so 256 to 512 bits in size) with a
"compact" encoding (either base64 or blob rather than hexadecimal strings),
but they still represent gigabytes of data.

Those tables have an index on the value, and my problem is that the size of
this index (as reported by dbstat or sql3_analyzer) is about the same
as the table.

As these are cryptographic GUIDs, the first few bytes of a values are in
practice unique, so in theory I can index just the first few bytes (using
this indeed reduces in a much smaller index, but this also requires
adapting all queries that search by value.

Before starting down that route, is there another way?

My searches on those indexes are by either exact value or by value start
(human search & auto-completion)

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