On Mon, Aug 06, 2018 at 05:02:00PM +0000, David Raymond wrote:
> The whole fencepost thing is probably doing weird things. Here's my take on 
> it.
> This is "time to get from A to B". If you want "Total timespan from A to B 
> inclusive" then just add 1 day.
> Trying to do the +1 day or -1 day in the middle for the fencepost thing is 
> probably what's causing the error you mentioned. With one of the days being 
> the 1st, the -1 day might leave it on the 31st or the 30th or the 28th or the 
> 29th, depending on the start month. Best to just wait to the very end and say 
> "oh yeah, plus the start day"
> with recursive
> dates (startDate, endDate) as (values (:startDate, :endDate)),
> yearsTable (startDate, years, months, days, resultDate, endDate)
> as (
>     select min(startDate, endDate),
>     0, 0, 0,
>     min(startDate, endDate), max(startDate, endDate)
>     from dates
>     union all
>     select startDate, years + 1, months, days,
>     date(startDate,
>         '+' || cast(years + 1 as text) || ' years'),
>     endDate
>     from yearsTable where resultDate < endDate
> ),
> monthsTable (startDate, years, months, days, resultDate, endDate)
> as (
>     select * from (
>         select * from yearsTable where resultDate <= endDate
>         order by years desc, months desc, days desc limit 1)
>     union all
>     select startDate, years, months + 1, days,
>     date(startDate,
>         '+' || cast(years as text) || ' years',
>         '+' || cast(months + 1 as text) || ' months'),
>     endDate
>     from monthsTable where resultDate < endDate
> ),
> daysTable (startDate, years, months, days, resultDate, endDate)
> as (
>     select * from(
>         select * from monthsTable where resultDate <= endDate
>         order by years desc, months desc, days desc limit 1)
>     union all
>     select startDate, years, months, days + 1,
>     date(startDate,
>         '+' || cast(years as text) || ' years',
>         '+' || cast(months as text) || ' months',
>         '+' || cast(days + 1 as text) || ' days'),
>     endDate
>     from daysTable where resultDate < endDate
> )
> select  startDate, years, months, days, resultDate
> from daysTable where resultDate = endDate;
> startDate   years       months      days        resultDate
> ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
> 2004-02-02  0           0           0           2004-02-02
> 2004-02-02  14          6           1           2018-08-03
> 1983-07-11  1           1           20          1984-08-31
> 1984-11-01  1           2           14          1986-01-15
> 1986-01-16  13          6           0           1999-07-16
> 1970-01-01  48          7           5           2018-08-06
> Leap year
> startDate   years       months      days        resultDate
> ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
> 2016-02-28  1           0           1           2017-03-01
> 2015-02-28  1           0           2           2016-03-01
> Around the end of a month
> startDate   years       months      days        resultDate
> ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
> 2018-01-15  0           0           30          2018-02-14
> 2018-02-15  0           0           27          2018-03-14
> 2016-02-15  0           0           28          2016-03-14
> 2018-04-15  0           0           29          2018-05-14

With this WITH statement I get outputs which are such as I expected to be.

Thank you very much!!

Best, Pali
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