On 18 Oct 2018, at 7:17pm, Charles Leifer <colei...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In the documentation alphabetical listing, it threw me off when I was lookup 
> up the JSON1 docs and didn't find them under "J", due to the title being "The 
> JSON1 Extension".

Some years ago I wrote a TITLE Collating Sequence for SQLite. I forget the 
finer details, but it did this:

1) Turn everything into upper case
2) If string ends with a digit, find the integer at the end of the string and 
add '0' at the beginning until it was ten characters long.
3) Some stuff about Roman numerals at the end
4) If string starts with "A ", remove that and put ", A" at the end.
5) If string starts with "THE ", remove that and put ", THE" at the end.
6) some other things I forget

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