
When working with Apple iOS databases, I found something strange when
dealing with dates. Apple iOS databases store dates as seconds from
2001-01-01 (31 years after unix epoch). But from 2015-03-02 to 2016-02-29
there is a offset of one day if '31 years' modifier is used.
To reproduce, execute the following query:

select datetime(446860801, 'unixepoch', '31 years') as date1,
       datetime(446860801+60*60*24, 'unixepoch', '31 years') as date2,
       datetime(446860801+60*60*24*2, 'unixepoch', '31 years') as date3

date2 should be 1 day after date1, but shows as the same date!

Best regards,
Fábio Pfeifer
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