On 10/22/18, Zoltan Demeter <dzo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a rather poor performance of 50 k inserts per second. The data
> to be inserted is precalculated and passed to the loop. I am using the
> same logic as above, so the loop is wrapped in a transaction and I use
> a parametrized statement.

Inserting into an ordinary table with indexes is basically just
appending a single record onto the end of the file.  Inserting into
RTree index is a lot more work, involving updates to multple records
scattered all across the database file.  One expects an RTree index
insert to be somewhat slower.

On the other hand, I do not recall ever spending any time trying to
optimize RTree insert, as most of our clients are more concerned with
query performance.  Have you compared the RTree insert performance in
SQLite against other systems?  Is SQLite a serious laggard here?  Do
we need to work on it?

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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