> how do I make a field wrap the text. In other words, rather than having
> the text in a field keep going from right to left, when I hit the right
> hand margin, how do I make the text automatically go to the next line.

The purpose of SQLite is to store data, and to give it back to you
unchanged.  How the data is formatted for displaying is not the database's

It is likely that the software that you're using to display fields has an
option for automatic word wrapping, but nobody here knows what software
that is.

> how do I simultaneously nest two or more fields. For instance, if I have
> four fields: name, department, clock number, department, how do I nest so
> that I alphabetically, sort by the clock number, then last name within
> each department, and ten clock number within in each name?

Just put the column names in this order in the ORDER BY clause when doing
the SQL query.  (Assuming that whatever software you're using allows you
to customize the query.)

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