Ok. I am a fossil newbie. My effort to build from that did not work. The
amalgamation from configure+make seemed incomplete and other files like
json1.c were missing.
I am on trunk and fossil timeline showed Dr Hipp's fix.  I'll educate
myself a bit more on Fossil to see where I went wrong.

However, I downloaded the latest snapshot (
https://www3.sqlite.org/cgi/src/doc/trunk/README.md) and built from that
and.. *SUCCESS!*

As a note, my code is based on this article.
https://blog.budgetwithbuckets.com/2018/08/27/sqlite-changelog.html . Many
thanks to that author for the idea and sample code.

A big thank you to Dr Hipp for the prompt fix.


Code output from shell built from latest trunk snapshot tarball:

SQLite version 3.26.0 2018-11-02 17:38:39
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> .version
SQLite 3.26.0 2018-11-02 17:38:39
sqlite> attach "napp.db" as napp;
sqlite> DROP TABLE napp.people;
sqlite> DROP TABLE napp.change_log;
sqlite> -- Data table
sqlite> CREATE TABLE napp.people (
   ...>     id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
   ...>     name TEXT,
   ...>     age INTEGER
   ...> );
sqlite> -- Change log table
sqlite> CREATE TABLE napp.change_log (
   ...>     id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
   ...>     action TEXT,
   ...>     table_name TEXT,
   ...>     obj_id INTEGER,
   ...>     changes TEXT
   ...> );
sqlite> -- Insert Trigger
sqlite> CREATE TRIGGER napp.people_track_insert
   ...> AFTER INSERT ON people
   ...> BEGIN
   ...>   INSERT INTO change_log (action, table_name, obj_id, changes)
   ...>   SELECT
   ...>     'INSERT', 'people', NEW.id, changes
   ...>   FROM
   ...>     (SELECT
   ...>       json_group_object(col, json_array(oldval, newval)) AS changes
   ...>     FROM
   ...>       (SELECT
   ...>         json_extract(value, '$[0]') as col,
   ...>         json_extract(value, '$[1]') as oldval,
   ...>         json_extract(value, '$[2]') as newval
   ...>       FROM
   ...>         json_each(
   ...>           json_array(
   ...>             json_array('id', null, NEW.id),
   ...>             json_array('created', null, NEW.created),
   ...>             json_array('name', null, NEW.name),
   ...>             json_array('age', null, NEW.age)
   ...>           )
   ...>         )
   ...>       WHERE oldval IS NOT newval
   ...>       )
   ...>     );
   ...> END;
sqlite> -- Update Trigger
sqlite> CREATE TRIGGER napp.people_track_update
   ...> AFTER UPDATE ON people
   ...> BEGIN
   ...>   INSERT INTO change_log (action, table_name, obj_id, changes)
   ...>   SELECT
   ...>     'UPDATE', 'people', OLD.id, changes
   ...>   FROM
   ...>     (SELECT
   ...>       json_group_object(col, json_array(oldval, newval)) AS changes
   ...>     FROM
   ...>       (SELECT
   ...>         json_extract(value, '$[0]') as col,
   ...>         json_extract(value, '$[1]') as oldval,
   ...>         json_extract(value, '$[2]') as newval
   ...>       FROM
   ...>         json_each(
   ...>           json_array(
   ...>             json_array('id', OLD.id, NEW.id),
   ...>             json_array('created', OLD.created, NEW.created),
   ...>             json_array('name', OLD.name, NEW.name),
   ...>             json_array('age', OLD.age, NEW.age)
   ...>           )
   ...>         )
   ...>       WHERE oldval IS NOT newval
   ...>       )
   ...>     );
   ...> END;
sqlite> -- Delete Trigger
sqlite> CREATE TRIGGER napp.people_track_delete
   ...> AFTER DELETE ON people
   ...> BEGIN
   ...>   INSERT INTO change_log (action, table_name, obj_id, changes)
   ...>   SELECT
   ...>     'DELETE', 'people', OLD.id, changes
   ...>   FROM
   ...>     (SELECT
   ...>       json_group_object(col, json_array(oldval, newval)) AS changes
   ...>     FROM
   ...>       (SELECT
   ...>         json_extract(value, '$[0]') as col,
   ...>         json_extract(value, '$[1]') as oldval,
   ...>         json_extract(value, '$[2]') as newval
   ...>       FROM
   ...>         json_each(
   ...>           json_array(
   ...>             json_array('id', OLD.id, null),
   ...>             json_array('created', OLD.created, null),
   ...>             json_array('name', OLD.name, null),
   ...>             json_array('age', OLD.age, null)
   ...>           )
   ...>         )
   ...>       WHERE oldval IS NOT newval
   ...>       )
   ...>     );
   ...> END;
sqlite> INSERT INTO people (name, age) VALUES ('Alice', 30), ('Bob', 42);
sqlite> UPDATE people SET age = age + 2;
sqlite> UPDATE people SET name = 'Eva' WHERE name='Alice';
sqlite> DELETE FROM people WHERE name = 'Bob';
sqlite> SELECT * FROM change_log;
3|2018-11-03 00:56:22|UPDATE|people|1|{"age":[30,32]}
4|2018-11-03 00:56:22|UPDATE|people|2|{"age":[42,44]}
5|2018-11-03 00:56:22|UPDATE|people|1|{"name":["Alice","Eva"]}
6|2018-11-03 00:56:22|DELETE|people|2|{"id":[2,null],"created":["2018-11-03

On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 5:11 PM Lindsay Lawrence <thinknl...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Sorry. I have had no luck with this.
> I followed the instructions here
> https://www.sqlite.org/getthecode.html#clone
> then built from source following the directions in README.md.
>   mkdir bld                ;#  Build will occur in a sibling directory
>   cd bld                   ;#  Change to the build directory
>   ../sqlite/configure      ;#  Run the configure script
>   make                     ;#  Run the makefile.
>   make sqlite3.c           ;#  Build the "amalgamation" source file
>   make test                ;#  Run some tests (requires Tcl)
> This is the platform I am building on 'uname -a':
> Linux debianE7440-LT 3.16.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.57-2 (2018-07-14)
> x86_64 GNU/Linux
> The current trunk source however does not have the JSON1 extension
> embedded in the amalgamation by default. How would I add that?
> However, building the json1 extension against this source and then loading
> it from the shell reports this:
> SQLite version 2015-05-13 04:50:30
> Enter ".help" for usage hints.
> Connected to a transient in-memory database.
> Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
> sqlite> .version
> SQLite 2015-05-13 04:50:30
> 59e3e9e764440b7feaafadff74f422535d21bca2
> sqlite> .load "../../../bin/json1"
> Error: ../../../bin/json1.so: undefined symbol:
> sqlite3_create_window_function
> sqlite>
> I'll tinker with it  a more but at this point I am not sure if it is
> because an own build configuration issue trying to test your fix or if the
> fix itself is the issue.
> Regards,
> /Lindsay
> On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 10:38 AM Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
>> Please try your test script on the latest trunk check-in and let us
>> know whether or not it is working for you.
>> --
>> D. Richard Hipp
>> d...@sqlite.org
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