
The documentation for the geopoly module states that the vertices must
be defined in a counter-clockwise order so that the interior of the
polygon is on the left of the element as it is drawn. 

However, I have discovered that a polygon transformed with geopoly_xform
can result in a polygon having vertices reading clockwise. For instance,
a polygon mirrored about either the x or y axis will produce this
effect. The geopoly module allows these transformed polygons to be added
to the table. If I then create an exact same polygon shape having
counterclockwise order for the vertices and use the geopoly_overlap
function to test it against the one with clockwise order I find the
result = 4, meaning the polygons are regarded as identical. 

My question then is, is it really necessary to ensure a counterclockwise
order when a polygon shape is entered for the first time in the table. 


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