Jungle Boogie wrote:
➢ Anyone else have issues decompressing the file? $ bzip2 -d employees.db.bz2 
bzip2: employees.db.bz2 is not a bzip2 file. bunzip2 employees.db.bz2 bunzip2: 
employees.db.bz2 is not a bzip2 file. $ file employees.db.bz2 employees.db.bz2: 
Non-ISO extended-ASCII HTML document text $ sha256 employees.db.bz2 SHA256 
(employees.db.bz2) = 

I browsed to the web page, link to which you quoted.  At that page (on GitHub) 
I clicked the “Clone or download” button, then clicked the “Download ZIP” 
option, whereupon a .zip file could be downloaded.  Within that .zip archive, 
in a subdirectory, was a file which appeared as follows to the ‘file’ utility:
> file employees.db
employees.db: SQLite 3.x database

Better yet, sqlite3 v22 thinks it is a valid database.

I don’t know what you did, but the evidence suggests you simply grabbed 
whatever the server dished up under the http(s) protocol for the given link. 
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