On Sat, Jan 19, 2019, 6:53 AM Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org wrote:
> On 19 Jan 2019, at 4:49am, Stephen Chrzanowski <pontia...@gmail.com>
> > I know about the bindings.  I don't know about all languages supporting
> Bindings are part of the SQLite API.  Any language which can make SQLite
calls should be supporting binding.
> Using binding means you can have the variables you want -- as many as you
want -- in whatever programming language you're using.  SQLite doesn't need
variables before your programming language has variables.  This is why
SQLite doesn't need variables.

Unless you want to write a script to run from the sqlite3 shell. Then you
don't have access to "variables" in the way the OP suggested.

Of course, you can use temp tables as though they are variables, though the
syntax isn't as elegant as the provided example.

1> declare @count int = 10;
2> select * from test where i<=@count

can be reformulated as

1> create temp table vars(name, value);
2> insert into vars values('count', 10);
3> select * from test where i <= (select value from vars where

That's just one example, of course. Multiple variations on the theme are
possible if one needs variables that live exclusively in SQL without using
a host language and that also survive for more than a single statement.
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