On 1/23/19 7:10 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
On 1/23/19, Dennis Clarke <dcla...@blastwave.org> wrote:

Perhaps I was mistaken to enable --enable-tempstore=yes  during configure ?

Maybe.  Does it work if you omit that option?

The solution seems to be to throw hardware at the problem and then it
goes away.  I allocated 32G of memory to the process and also allowed
the Solaris zone to lock 32G and everything runs with the exception
of a single test :

Time: sharedA.test 1052 ms
Time: sharedB.test 104 ms
Time: sharedlock.test 42 ms
! shell1-1.7.1 expected: [0 1 1]
! shell1-1.7.1 got:      [1 1 1]
Time: shell1.test 7604 ms
Time: shell2.test 841 ms
Time: shell3.test 398 ms
Time: shell4.test 319 ms
Time: shell5.test 2315 ms
SQLite 2018-12-01 12:34:55 bf8c1b2b7a5960c282e543b9c293686dccff272512d08865f4600fb58238b4f9
1 errors out of 146673 tests on corv SunOS 64-bit big-endian
!Failures on these tests: shell1-1.7.1
All memory allocations freed - no leaks
Maximum memory usage: 9276472 bytes
Current memory usage: 0 bytes
Number of malloc()  : -1 calls
gmake: *** [Makefile:1234: tcltest] Error 1

Not sure what the issue is with a tcltest Error or why some process
called "testfixture" needed 2G of memory :

PID USERNAME SIZE RSS STATE PRI NICE TIME CPU PROCESS/NLWP 5 root 0K 0K sleep 99 -20 0:36:29 2.2% zpool-jupiter_r/166
 29033 dclarke  2087M  221M sleep    0    0   0:07:29 0.3% testfixture/2
 27749 root     4976K 3760K cpu0   100    -   0:00:15 0.1% prstat/1
119 root 0K 0K sleep 99 -20 7:19:26 0.1% zpool-jupiter_z/166
     7 root        0K    0K sleep    0  -20   0:03:13 0.0% vmtasks/8
  2294 dclarke    10M 8568K sleep    0    0   0:00:00 0.0% testfixture/1
   729 root     3096K 1600K sleep   59    0   0:02:44 0.0% dhcpagent/1
   572 root       62M   23M sleep   59    0   0:02:22 0.0% poold/9
   175 daemon   1896K 1264K sleep   60  -20   0:00:00 0.0% kcfd/3
235 root 2680K 1368K sleep 59 0 0:00:00 0.0% iscsi-initiator/2
   327 root     2952K 2184K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% rpc.bootparamd/1
   256 root     8056K 5256K sleep   59    0   0:00:24 0.0% ntpd/1
ZONEID NPROC SWAP RSS MEMORY TIME CPU ZONE 0 53 156M 145M 0.2% 8:55:32 2.4% global 11 33 2150M 337M 0.5% 0:07:32 0.3% z_001 6 20 68M 92M 0.1% 0:00:29 0.0% z_005 5 16 41M 41M 0.1% 0:00:24 0.0% z_002 2 43 100M 122M 0.2% 0:01:53 0.0% z_000
     4       20   70M   97M   0.1%   0:01:09 0.0% z_006

Also, since I am here with memory tossed at the issue :

Time: between.test 70 ms
Skipping bigmmap.test - requires SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE >= 8G
Time: bigmmap.test 29 ms

What do I do here?

Set an env var SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE=17179869184 for 16G and then see
what happens?

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