On Tue, 22 Jan 2019 at 17:24, Rahul Jayaraman <rahul.jayara...@hotmail.com>

> From an operational perspective, which describes algorithms used and
> implementation details. I think it’s useful to understand algorithms
> because different algorithms give rise to different `busy` scenarios, and
> having a better mental model of algorithm helps reason about some of these
> scenarios. I’m not sure if the ’single writer’, ‘multiple reader’
> abstraction gives insight into this perspective. A weaker model might end
> up confusing the user, if he ends up in a scenario which he doesn’t
> understand.

Of course - no four words are going to be able to communicate the subtlety
of sqlite's locking protocol and the details of how it interacts with the
different journal modes. But I maintain that "single writer multiple
readers" is the simplest abstraction available to provide a solid
foundation for unfamiliar readers; YMMV.

I was also confused by this section of the article, the second sentence of
which feels inconsistent and misleading:

> NOTE: IMMEDIATE behaviour acquires a write lock which allows concurrent
> readers, but blocks other concurrent writers (discussed further in Rollback
> journal section). In the above case, since all transactions are started
> with IMMEDIATE, they behave as writers, and concurrent transactions are
> blocked thus enforcing serial execution. EXCLUSIVE behaviour acquires a
> lock which blocks concurrent readers and writers.
1. "In the above case, since all transactions are started with IMMEDIATE,"
-- the diagram is actually using EXCLUSIVE transactions not IMMEDIATE
2. "they behave as writers, and concurrent transactions are blocked" --
this implies to me that all transactions are blocked, and conflicts with
the first sentence which says (correctly) that a write lock allows
concurrent readers

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