On 2/5/19, Carl Chave <onl...@chave.us> wrote:
> I'm experimenting with the althttpd.c web server.  As a simple first test I
> created a static html file and a lua script file.  The static file displays
> as expected in firefox.  The lua file, which simply reads in the same
> static html file and writes it back to stdout ends up being truncated and
> displayed incorrectly in firefox.
> If I begin the output of the script with a newline and then continue
> writing out the rest of the static file contents it's fine.

The reply from a CGI script should start with a line of the form:

    Content-Type: text/html

(or some other MIME type) and be followed by a blank line and only
then the content.  There are other options, for example to provoke a
server redirect or to set a status code other than 200.  See
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Gateway_Interface for additional

> The section of source code and comment that starts at line number 1706 and
> continues through line 1733 seems to be the section that's causing it.  I
> took the entire block out, recompiled and tested the lua script again
> (without starting output with a newline) and it worked as expected.  So the
> script just read in the static file and spit it back out unaltered and it
> displays the same as the static file in my browser.  The returned headers
> are different but the returned html is the same.
> What is the correct approach?  Should I return some minimum set of headers
> from the CGI script? Content type seems to be conspicuously absent when
> comparing the headers between the static file and CGI script.  Or should I
> just start all script output with a newline?
> Thanks,
> Carl
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