On 2/27/19, Jim Borden <jim.bor...@couchbase.com> wrote:
>  For reference here
> was the query that I was working with:
> SELECT fl_result(prediction('EchoModel', dict_of('max_double',
> 1.7976931348623153e+308))) FROM kv_default AS _doc WHERE (_doc.flags & 1 =
> 0);

As a work-around, you could code up a UDF max_real() that returned the
value you want.  Or maybe use the extension function ieee754()
(available from https://www.sqlite.org/src/file/ext/misc/ieee754.c)
and code the big number as ieee754(9007199254740991,971).  Or you
could make the big constant a parameter (maybe $maxReal) and then set
the value using sqlite3_bind_double().

D. Richard Hipp
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