On 2019/03/23 6:06 PM, Peng Yu wrote:

I see a variety of extensions for sqlite3 database files, such as .db,
.db3, .sqlite3 and .sq3. Is there a most commonly used/accepted
convention for the extension? Thanks.

It's a convention-less thing, as others have mentioned. However, I can answer the most-used question as far as Windows environments go:

The sqlite tool I maintain has a nifty little function that can search any folder on a drive (including subfolders) and list all the SQLite files it finds, so if I point it in Windows to the current user's root and start a search, all the sqlite files pop out, and I do this fairly often on random computers as a source of amusement.

Due to the above, I have seen a LOT of sqlite files in my life used by a lot of applications, and I can tell you that the vast majority of them are all .db files. Skype uses it, Adobe has it, most downloadable DB's use it (chinook.db for instance). I have seen others: .sqlite and .sqlitedb are favourites too. Sometimes there are obscure ones, like the downloadable Geo-names file being a .qmv file (no idea why).

Still, the majority are .db files.


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