> On Apr 5, 2019, at 2:59 PM, Nik Jain <nik.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One way is to run 2 queries. First on the fts table, to
> return ids. Second on the regular table with the order by clause. " select
> * from normaltable where  id in (Ids) order by price " . This approach is
> fast. But the id list could be large sometimes.
> Any other way ?

What you’re describing is basically a join. You can use SQL’s JOIN syntax to 
describe this as a single query, and SQLite will take care of processing it in 
a scalable manner:
        select * from normaltable join fts on fts.id 
<http://fts.id/>=normaltable.id <http://normaltable.id/> where fts.col1 match 
’50’ order by normaltable.price;
[syntax may be a bit off, I’m typing in a hurry!]

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