On 2019/06/12 4:39 PM, Jonathan Brandmeyer wrote:
For an SQL engine, the next-best-thing to strict binary IEEE754 is not
sloppy binary IEEE754, its probably strict decimal IEEE754.

I very much agree on this point, however, unlike the -0.0/+0.0 change, changing to strict full IEEE754 conversion (with "-ve" etc.) WILL actually break many things due to backward-incompatibility.

I tend to agree with Simon on making a new IEEE754 conversion for when the need arise (maybe a sort of CAST target or collation rather than a column "Type") and perhaps leaving REAL be (with simply clear docs on how SQLIte's REAL works and diverges from IEEE754 in conversion).  Especially since learning that, although the change is not slower by any significant margin, it's certainly not faster.

To surmise the posts so far: If it doesn't give us full IEE754 conformance, it doesn't shorten the code-base, it's not mathematically important, it's not faster, and it might be confusing...  Why change?.

(There may of course be reasons internal to the project or the devs which I'm not privy to, the above is simply an opinion based on currently publicly known details)

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