I've been following the uSQLiteServer conversations, and suddenly a light
came ON.  ( which often happens at my age).

Perusing my  "SQLITE WEB SERVER" documents, I find.......
>March '04
>borivoj wrote:
>>Hello everybody,
>>I would like to know is there anybody other willing to share experiences
>>in TWS - all-in-one web server, tcl and sqlite combination provided by
>>Richard on  http://www.hwaci.com/sw/tws
>>Since I am mostly on windows I've managed to find windows version of
>>TWS, tested it and it looks very promising , at least for a small
>>intranet server.
>>what worries me is that it looks rather old:  "TWS was released as beta
>>on Feb 17, 2001." and that there is no mention in the sqlite groups
>>since the beginning. (on yahoo groups). I found hard to believe that
>>nobody else noticed TWS. Why?
>D. Richard Hipp responds:
>TWS never picked up much mindshare - everybody wanted to
>used LAMP.  Even those who were not enamored with LAMP
>were only interested in algol-derived languages, not
>more powerful lisp-family languages like Tcl which TWS
>uses, so nobody paid TWS much mind.  I, therefore, didn't
>maintain the website.
>But rest assured, TWS continues to be used.  I continue
>to use the original TWS internally.  Decendents of TWS
>have found their way into commercial products I've done
>for customers.  Those products are currently in active
>use around the world.
>If enough people bug me about it, I'll go in and update
>the public code base for TWS with some more recent
>enhancements and bug fixes.
Nov'05   Tom Shafer adds:
My TWS setup has been running (with zero attention) on an old NT 4.0 server
since 2003  !!!
I cannot praise it enough.  TWS has no peers.
But,,, there is always a better mousetrap. I can't wait to get my hands on
Kudos !!!

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