On 2 Aug 2019, at 8:55pm, Jen Pollock <poll...@gmcl.com> wrote:

> Compressing the backups would likely save you a lot more space, and I
> suspect it wouldn't be affected that much by page size; presumably empty 
> space at the ends of pages will compress very well.

It might be an interesting exersize to compare the sizes of these files:

A) size of .sqlite file
B) use the shell tool to dump SQL commands as .sql
C) compress (A) using some standard compression tool
D) compress (B) using the same tool

Results could differ depending on the proportion of the data which is numeric.  
It's the sort of thing I'm sure I would have tried years ago but I don't 
remember what results I got.  And I no longer have access to big SQLite 
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