On 4 Aug 2019, at 5:33pm, bitwyse <bitw...@le-maquis.net> wrote:

> Could it be hidden in a Blob?
> What program (command?) would diplay it and allow deleting it?
> (VACUUMing doesn't remove it.)

There's only one program guaranteed to get at every element of a SQLite 
database file: the sqlite3 shell tool written and supported by the team which 
developed SQLite.  You can download it from the SQLite web site ("precompiled 
binaries") and see documentation here:


Have a poke around in the database file using it.  I'd probably start with the 
'.schema' command and work from there.

Once you've found what you're looking for you might be able to switch to some 
other program for everyday access.
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