I'm doing a Python app (not that the language really matters - just for 
context) that uses SQLite to store data.  I have a many-to-many (MTM) 
relationship.  After a lot of Googling and reading I have concluded that:

>> I need to create the join/bridge table just like all the other tables.  In 
>> other words, it will not be created automatically using some SQL that I have 
>> yet to understand.  True or false?

>> In all the examples I have seen, the join/bridge table is populated (INSERT 
>> INTO) manually - as in not done by SQL.  Here is my problem.  I will need to 
>> insert the primary keys as foreign keys into the table. In the examples I 
>> have seen, they knew what those number were (all 12 of them).  I won't have 
>> that situation as the primary keys from the other tables are AUTO_NUMBER.  
>> That means I have to query those tables before I can INSERT INTO the 
>> join/bridge tables.  Too much work.  Is there a better easier way?  How 
>> about some complete examples?

Finally, is there a best way to create a number of tables when an app. is first 
run?  For example, I can have one large function that contains all the SQL to 
create 6 tables and all the Python to create a connection, cursor, and execute 
the SQL.  Alternatively, I can have functions that pass either the db path, or 
the connection, to specialized functions that create just one table.  What is 
the pro/con of each?


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