Thanks for the example José.

I was thinking of a more general method that would work when I do not
control all of the clients.

Your example would only work when all clients are aware of and use the
locking logic.

On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 3:39 PM Jose Isaias Cabrera <>

> test user, on Thursday, August 15, 2019 07:35 PM, wrote...
> > The reason for the notification is to minimize time spent waiting.
> I will tell you what I did with 10 PMs working with a shared windows drive
> with an SQLite DB. But, take it with a grain of salt, unless you have
> high-blood pressure, which if it is so, may suggest a salt substitute? :-)
> Before every write to the DB, I would call a function that would check if
> someone was writing to the DB:
>   while (SharedDBBlocked(false))
>     std.c.time.msleep(500); // waits 1/2 second
> This is what SharedDBBlocked did...
> char[] SharedDBBlocked(bool ShowMsgBox)
> {
>   char[] ttdir = std.path.getDirName(sqldb);  // =
> r"L:\Data\OpenJobsTool\AllOpenProjs.db";
>   ttdir = ttdir ~ "\\" ~ "dbLockedBy.txt";    // checks for a file in the
> same spot where the sharedDB is
>   char[] who = null;
>   if (std.file.exists(ttdir))  // someone is writing to the DB
>   {
>     try
>     {
>       who = cast(char[]);
>     }
>     catch (FileException e)
>     {
>       return who;
>     }
>     if (who == pm["FirstName"])  // The PMs lack of patience (3-10
> seconds). Long story.
>     {
>       if (DeleteFile(ttdir, eStr))
>         info.text = ttdir[std.string.rfind(ttdir,r"\") .. $] ~ " file
> deleted.";
>       return null;
>     }
>     else
>     {
>       char[] t = who ~ " is writing to the SharedDB.  Waiting for
> release...";
>       error.text = t;
>       if (ShowMsgBox)
>         msgBox(t);
>       return who;
>     }
>   }
>   return who;
> }
> Once this was DB was release, you would call for,
>   LockDBForDataWriting();
> to take control of the DB.  This is what it contains...
> char[] LockDBForDataWriting()
> {
>   while (SharedDBBlocked(false))  //check again to make sure...
>     std.c.time.msleep(1500);
>   error.text = "";
>   char[] ttdir = std.path.getDirName(sqldba);   // =
> r"L:\Data\OpenJobsTool\AllOpenProjs.db";
>   ttdir = ttdir ~ "\\dbLockedBy.txt";
>   char[] t = "";;
>   if (!std.file.exists(ttdir))
>   {
>     try
>     {
>       ttdir.write(pm["FirstName"]);
>       t = pm["FirstName"];
>     }
>     catch (FileException e)
>     {
>       ttdir.write(GetUserName());
>       t = GetUserName();
>     }
>   }
>   return t;
> }
> Once you have control, do some work on the DB...
>   string q = "INSERT ...; ";
>   try
>   {
>     wdb.execute(q);
>   }
>   catch (DBIException dbe)
>   {
>     UnLockDBForDataWriting();
>     msgBox("ERR605: Could not ...:" ~ dbe.toString());
>     return 1;
>   }
>   UnLockDBForDataWriting();
>   return 0;
> And that is it.  Of course, this is a primitive and slow way of doing it,
> but these were inpatient PMs, and it worked for a long time. If your
> writters are not human, the wait times could be lowered and it would be
> made faster.  Just FYI.  Thanks.
> josé
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