From: "Dennis Cote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I don't know of a way to do what you want with a user defined function, but your example can be solved quite simply using SQL. The following query will return a table with the required results.

select * from test order by col desc limit 3;

If you have an index on col then it will also be very fast regardless of the size of the table, if not it will do a single table scan to find the three maximum values.

Are you sure it will do a single scan, rather than sorting into a temporary table and picking three topmost records? What if I want 1000 topmost records, would that still be done in a single scan? If so, how efficiently will this temporary table of 1000 records managed?

The best algorithm for picking M largest elements out of N runs in O(N log M), and it requires that the table of M best items seen so far be maintained in a rather fancy data structure (a heap). Does the SQLite query planner really implement something like that?

Igor Tandetnik

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