Faults in the memory allocation routines of SQLite are almost always
due to heap corruption caused by other unrelated parts of the
application.  In other words, some other part of the application is
misusing the memory heap, and SQLite merely has the misfortune of
being the first innocent party to stumble over the damage.

I recommend you run your application using Valgrind.  Or, recompile
using -fsanitize=memory.  That will likely pinpoint the source of the

On 8/20/19, HA Thi Tham <thamht01...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a crash at sqlite when reading a row in database (detailed
> stacktrace in the attachment). It happens rarely in our customer machine.
> We cannot reproduce it.
> Can you please give some suggestions when this can happen and maybe how to
> fix it.
> c:\jenkins\workspace\cortexv2-dev-win64-service-release\src\thirdparty\couchbase-lite-core-ee\encryption\see-sqlite.c
> c:\jenkins\workspace\cortexv2-dev-win64-service-release\src\thirdparty\couchbase-lite-core-ee\encryption\see-sqlite.c
>  27014:   p = sqlite3Malloc(n);
>  27015:   sqlite3MemdebugSetType(p, MEMTYPE_HEAP);
>  27016:   return p;
>  27017: }
>>27018: SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3DbMallocRawNN(sqlite3 *db, u64 n){
>  27019: #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_LOOKASIDE
>  27020:   LookasideSlot *pBuf;
>  27021:   assert( db!=0 );
>  27022:   assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
>  27023:   assert( db->pnBytesFreed==0 );
> Thanks in advance!
> Tham

D. Richard Hipp
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