On Sun, 6 Oct 2019 at 23:27, Kadirk <kadirkaracel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How to do online backup of an in memory database (to disk)?
> Planning to use in memory database with 10 gb+ data, there are queries
> continuously so stopping application is not an option. Looks like for on
> disk databases it is possible with a non-blocking fashion but I couldn't
> find a way to do it for in memory database. Whenever an update comes in,
> backup process starts over so it won't finish. Any idea how to solve this?

Huh, the documentation explicitly points this out:

If another thread or process writes to the source database while this
> function is sleeping, then SQLite detects this and usually restarts the
> backup process when sqlite3_backup_step() is next called. There is one
> exception to this rule: If the source database is not an in-memory
> database, and the write is performed from within the same process as the
> backup operation and uses the same database handle (pDb), then the
> destination database (the one opened using connection pFile) is
> automatically updated along with the source.


Seems like a strange exception, I wonder why it's there?

You could still complete the backup by specifying nPage=-1 to
sqlite3_backup_step -- this requires a read lock for the duration, but the
lock methods appear to be a no-op for in-memory DBs. Presumably holding the
DB's mutex will still prevent other threads from accessing it though.

Another option if you're on linux is to put the DB file in /dev/shm, at
which point it is physically in memory but from sqlite's perspective is a
regular disk file. You'd have to check the performance characteristics
again of course.

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