I have this query:
UPDATE nodes SET parent = ? WHERE SUBSTR(name, 0, ?) = ?
EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN tells me that it is going to do a table scan. At the
same time, the query plan for this:
SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE SUBSTR(name, 0, ?) = ?
tells me that it can and will use the (primary key) index on the name

With that info, I thought that this query would be faster:
UPDATE nodes SET parent = ? WHERE name IN (SELECT name FROM nodes WHERE
SUBSTR(name, 0, ?) = ?)
Alas, it's not. I don't know why.

UPDATE will use the index if I use the LIKE operator. However, it won't use
the index if I attempt LIKE (? || '%'). Whatever handles the string
concatenation breaks the use of the index. I don't want to have to sanitize
my own data. I have very arbitrary, user-entered, malicious data going in.
It's also not clear to me what the sanitizer does for the LIKE operator.
What does it do to existing percent signs in the data? I don't want to use
those as wildcards. Hence, I much prefer the SUBSTR approach; it seems much
safer all around.

I run v3.29.0. I hope this can prompt somebody to make the SUBSTR operator
work with the indexes on an UPDATE statement.
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