Doug, on Monday, November 18, 2019 12:31 PM, wrote...
Jose Isaias Cabrera
> > >
> > > INSERT INTO t (a, b, c, d, e, idate)​
> > > SELECT IfNull('p006', Max(idate)),​
> > >        IfNull(b, 1),​
> > >        IfNull(c, 2),​
> > >        'y',​
> > >        IfNull(e, 4),​
> > >        '2019-20-12'​
> > >   FROM t​
> > >  WHERE a = 'p006';​
> I think that you will never insert the first record with a query like this, 
> since
> the select returns 0 records of there are none in the database yet.

Well, it does...
sqlite> create table t (a, b, c, d, e, idate, PRIMARY KEY(a, idate));
sqlite> INSERT INTO t
   ...> SELECT IfNull('p001', Max(idate)),
   ...>        IfNull(b, 1),
   ...>        IfNull(c, 2),
   ...>        IfNull(d,'n'),
   ...>        IfNull(e, 4),
   ...>        '2019-20-11'
   ...>  FROM t
   ...>  WHERE a = 'p001';
sqlite> select * from t;

And, since I put an uniqueness on a and idate, now these can not be repeated, 
so if I run the same command again,
sqlite> INSERT INTO t
   ...> SELECT IfNull('p001', Max(idate)),
   ...>        IfNull(b, 1),
   ...>        IfNull(c, 2),
   ...>        IfNull(d,'n'),
   ...>        IfNull(e, 4),
   ...>        '2019-02-11'
   ...>  FROM t
   ...>  WHERE a = 'p001';
Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: t.a, t.idate

I do not get a repeated record for 'p001' and 2019-02-11; But if they are 
sqlite> INSERT INTO t
   ...> SELECT IfNull('p002', Max(idate)),
   ...>        IfNull(b, 1),
   ...>        IfNull(c, 2),
   ...>        IfNull(d,'n'),
   ...>        IfNull(e, 4),
   ...>        '2019-02-11'
   ...>  FROM t
   ...>  WHERE a = 'p002';
sqlite> select * from t;

It'll work. Thanks.


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