Doug, on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 10:47 AM, wrote...
> Jose, at least two things bothers me about part of your query:
>     IfNull('p006', Max(idate))
> The first is that 'p006' is never null so the second part of the ifnull() 
> will never be used.


> The second thing is that the result of this ifnull() is to set the value of 
> the "a" field.
> However, the domain of "a" is 'p001', 'p002',... It is not a date which would 
> be returned by
> Max(idate).

> I know you are trying to use side effects, but I don't understand ???

Hi Doug.  This is more or less "a hack" to make the INSERT work when the id 
does not exists in the table. Please take a look a both Keith's email regarding 
this subject, and he has done a wonderful job explaining what is happening.  I 
would probably damage something trying to explain it. ;-) What I can tell you 
is that I need this INSERT to always INSERT something.  Either a new record 
based on an already existing id ('p001') in the table, or a new record based on 
a non-existing id ('p006') in the table.  The IfNull works beautifully to allow 
for this.  Why it works with Max(idate) on the first select, I don't know, but, 
if I take it out, it does not. Thanks.

> Doug
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: sqlite-users, on

Jose Isaias Cabrera
> > Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 12:11 PM
> > Subject: Re: [sqlite] Question about: Adding a record to a table
> > with select failure
> >
> >
> > Doug, on Monday, November 18, 2019 12:31 PM, wrote...
> > Jose Isaias Cabrera
> > [clip]
> > > > >
> > > > > INSERT INTO t (a, b, c, d, e, idate)​
> > > > > SELECT IfNull('p006', Max(idate)),​
> > > > >        IfNull(b, 1),​
> > > > >        IfNull(c, 2),​
> > > > >        'y',​
> > > > >        IfNull(e, 4),​
> > > > >        '2019-20-12'​
> > > > >   FROM t​
> > > > >  WHERE a = 'p006';​
> > >
> > > I think that you will never insert the first record with a query
> > like this, since
> > > the select returns 0 records of there are none in the database
> > yet.
> >
> > Well, it does...
> > sqlite> create table t (a, b, c, d, e, idate, PRIMARY KEY(a,
> > idate));
> > sqlite> INSERT INTO t
> >    ...> SELECT IfNull('p001', Max(idate)),
> >    ...>        IfNull(b, 1),
> >    ...>        IfNull(c, 2),
> >    ...>        IfNull(d,'n'),
> >    ...>        IfNull(e, 4),
> >    ...>        '2019-20-11'
> >    ...>  FROM t
> >    ...>  WHERE a = 'p001';
> > sqlite> select * from t;
> > p001|1|2|n|4|2019-20-11
> > sqlite>
> >
> > And, since I put an uniqueness on a and idate, now these can not
> > be repeated, so if I run the same command again,
> > sqlite> INSERT INTO t
> >    ...> SELECT IfNull('p001', Max(idate)),
> >    ...>        IfNull(b, 1),
> >    ...>        IfNull(c, 2),
> >    ...>        IfNull(d,'n'),
> >    ...>        IfNull(e, 4),
> >    ...>        '2019-02-11'
> >    ...>  FROM t
> >    ...>  WHERE a = 'p001';
> > Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: t.a, t.idate
> > sqlite>
> >
> > I do not get a repeated record for 'p001' and 2019-02-11; But if
> > they are different,
> > sqlite> INSERT INTO t
> >    ...> SELECT IfNull('p002', Max(idate)),
> >    ...>        IfNull(b, 1),
> >    ...>        IfNull(c, 2),
> >    ...>        IfNull(d,'n'),
> >    ...>        IfNull(e, 4),
> >    ...>        '2019-02-11'
> >    ...>  FROM t
> >    ...>  WHERE a = 'p002';
> > sqlite> select * from t;
> > p001|1|2|n|4|2019-02-11
> > p002|1|2|n|4|2019-02-11
> >
> > It'll work. Thanks.
> >
> > josé

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