On Dec 12, 2019, at 6:08 AM, Mike King <making1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...I decided on a simple subset of
> SQL and then wrote a parser using a regex as the tokeniser.

First, [SQL is not a regular language][1], so it probably cannot be completely 
parsed by regexes.  Not by a single regex without surrounding logic, anyway.  
There’s probably valid SQL that will pass your regex but give unwanted behavior.

Second, you’re reinventing SQLite’s own authorizer, which runs based on the 
output of SQLite’s own well-tested SQL parsing engine.  (Which uses a proper 
parser, not a regex.)

Security is not an area where you want to roll your own logic.  Use someone 
else’s well-tested solution whenever you can.

[1]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33415289/142454
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