Thank you, Simon. That was an interesting article, and even better, it has a 
link to a book-length PDF of “Modern B-Tree Techniques” that is *solid gold*. 
I’ve been wanting to learn more about b-trees, indexing, query planning, etc. 
and this book goes way beyond anything I’ve found previously.


> On Dec 9, 2019, at 10:33 AM, Simon Slavin <> wrote:
> During the lower-volume weekdays, I beg you indulgence for another off-topic 
> post.
> <>
> This article contrasts hash tables vs. indexes, in an attempt to explain why 
> indexes are the basis of most DBMSes but hash tables are the basis of many 
> in-memory search systems.
> It's a semi-technical article, but if you don't understand what "O(log n)" 
> means, don't worry, you can skim over that level and still understand the 
> discussion.
> SQLite uses hash tables internally, though not for data stored in tables.  
> But given there's already an embedded LSM library, it's not impossible that 
> SQLite might use hashing for some data purpose in the future.
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