Keith Medcalf, on Monday, January 13, 2020 08:03 PM, wrote...
> And this version is several times faster since only the changes are
> union'd which minimizes the total number of records processed.
> The index should be "create index i on t (a, idate);" Because of the way
> indexes work, entries on the same a, idate will be ordered by n. (though
> really idate should be unique within a, so the index should be a unique
> index)
>   select a, idate, variable, oldv, newv
>     from (
>           select a,
>                  idate,
>                  'b' as variable,
>                  lag(b, 1) over (partition by a order by idate) as oldv,
>                  b as newv
>             from t
>         order by a, idate
>          )
>    where oldv <> newv
> union all
>   select a, idate, variable, oldv, newv
>     from (
>           select a,
>                  idate,
>                  'c' as variable,
>                  lag(c, 1) over (partition by a order by idate) as oldv,
>                  c as newv
>             from t
>         order by a, idate
>          )
>    where oldv <> newv
> union all
>   select a, idate, variable, oldv, newv
>     from (
>           select a,
>                  idate,
>                  'd' as variable,
>                  lag(d, 1) over (partition by a order by idate) as oldv,
>                  d as newv
>             from t
>         order by a, idate
>          )
>    where oldv <> newv
> union all
>   select a, idate, variable, oldv, newv
>     from (
>           select a,
>                  idate,
>                  'e' as variable,
>                  lag(e, 1) over (partition by a order by idate) as oldv,
>                  e as newv
>             from t
>         order by a, idate
>          )
>    where oldv <> newv
> order by a, idate, variable;

Wow!  Thanks, Keith.  Yes, this one is much faster.  As Ryan suggested, I will 
use this one. Thank so much. I really appreciate the help.  I already have an 
index on (a,idate).  I hope that I will be like you guys someday. ;-)  Thanks 

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