On Sun, 19 Jan 2020 17:07:38 +0100, you wrote:

>On 16.01.2020 14:02, Daniel Janus wrote:
>> Dear SQLiters,
>> If an INSERT ... ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE statement detects that a row
>> already exists and needs to be updated, it doesn't seem to set lastRowid
>> to the rowid of that row. Observe (sqlite 3.30.1):
>>    > create table users (id integer primary key, firstname text, lastname 
>> text, phonenumber text);
>>    > create unique index idx_users_firstname_lastname on users (firstname, 
>> lastname);
>>    > insert into users (firstname, lastname, phonenumber) values ('John', 
>> 'Doe', '1'),
>>        ('Donald', 'Covfefe', '2');
>>    > insert into users (firstname, lastname, phonenumber) values ('John', 
>> 'Doe', '3')
>>        on conflict (firstname, lastname) do update set phonenumber = 
>> excluded.phonenumber;
>>    > select last_insert_rowid();
>>    2
>> I'd like to have obtained 1 instead, the rowid for John Doe.
>> I imagine the reasoning behind this is that if there was no inserted row,
>> then last_*insert*_rowid should remain as it was... but is there any way
>> to obtain this information, other than making a subsequent SELECT?
> Replying to myself: I ended up doing exactly this – a subsequent SELECT after 
> the
> upsert; while this approach is working, it does feel suboptimal.

On the source code side, yes, but you have to wrap the UPSERT and subsequent
SELECT in a transaction anyway, so you can be sure the relavant index and table
pages are still valid in the cache. So, performancewise, it doesn't matter much.

Kees Nuyt
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