You can certainly get the max and average cell size per page of rows from 
dbstat which is the most granular data available I think, as well as the 
average and max for all the rows taken together.  Assuming that the table is a 
"rowid" table, then that is the data for the "leaf" pages only.  As in:

   select Schema,
          ncell as nrows,
          payload / ncell as avglen,
          mx_payload as maxlen,
          payload as payload,
          unused as unused,
          pgsize as total
     from dbStat
    where PageType == 'leaf'
      and Schema == 'main'
      and Name == 'Details'
union all
   select Schema,
          sum(ncell) as nrows,
          sum(payload) / sum(ncell) as avglen,
          max(mx_payload) as maxlen,
          sum(payload) as payload,
          sum(unused) as unused,
          sum(pgsize) as total
     from dbStat
    where PageType == 'leaf'
      and Schema == 'main'
      and Name == 'Details'

The row size will not vary by alot unless the table contains 'text' or 'blob' 
column data.  The schema and summary for the above table looks like this:

    ApplianceID     integer not null references Appliances(ApplianceID) on 
delete cascade,
    SrcIntID        integer not null references Interfaces(InterfaceID) on 
delete cascade,
    DstIntID        integer not null references Interfaces(InterfaceID) on 
delete cascade,
    Transport       text not null collate nocase,
    SrcHostID       integer not null references Hosts(HostID) on delete cascade,
    SrcPort         integer not null,
    DstHostID       integer not null references Hosts(HostID) on delete cascade,
    DstPort         integer not null,
    Action          integer not null,
    Count           integer not null,
    FileID          integer not null references Files(FileID) on delete cascade

schema      name        'All'       nrows       avglen      maxlen      payload 
    unused      total
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  
----------  ----------  ----------
main        Details     All         11608351    27          31          
321835482   1851729     404230144

which indicates that all the rows are about the same size and the average is 27 
bytes, which is somewhat less than the 95 bytes max I would expect per row if 
the integers were all stored as 8 byte integers.

Are you trying to find rows that have "wacky large" data (as in blob/text) 
stored in them?

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: sqlite-users <> On
>Behalf Of Deon Brewis
>Sent: Friday, 24 January, 2020 21:14
>To: SQLite mailing list <>
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] Row length in SQLITE
>No I mean e.g.
>row 1 = 500 bytes,
>row 2 = 600 bytes
>row 3 = 80 bytes
>row 4 = 300 bytes
>Like the info that DBSTAT gives, but per row, not per page. This doesn't
>need to be performant - it's for usage analysis during development time.
>- Deon
>-----Original Message-----
>From: sqlite-users <> On
>Behalf Of Simon Slavin
>Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2020 5:24 PM
>To: SQLite mailing list <>
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] Row length in SQLITE
>On 22 Jan 2020, at 11:44pm, Deon Brewis <> wrote:
>> Is there any way to get the length of rows in a table / index in
>Do you mean the count of rows in a table / index ?
>   SELECT count(*) FROM MyTable
>There's no easy fast way to do this because SQLite doesn't keep that
>number handy anywhere.  It stores the entries in a tree and it would have
>to manually count the leaves of the tree.
>Or do you mean the count of columns in a table / index ?
>    SELECT * FROM MyTable LIMIT 1
>and count the number of columns returned.  Or in C
>    sqlite3_column_count()
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