On 2/17/20, The Tick <the.t...@gmx.com> wrote:
> sql eval { insert into test (id, number, data) values( $a, $b, $c ) }

What were you hoping to accomplish here?  It seems like you might be
wanting the rowid of the last insert by any database connection into
the "test" table.  If so, that is not what last_insert_rowid() does.
The last_insert_rowid() is the rowid of the most recent insert from
the current database connection into *any* table.  The SQLite database
file does not keep track of the order of inserts, and so it cannot
determine the last insert on any particular table.  It only has that
information for an individual connection.  And it only keeps a single
integer which applies to the most recent insert, regardless of what
table was inserted into.

If you need to track the last insert into individual tables, and do so
globally, you can accomplish that using triggers.

To get the last_insert_rowid() from TCL, it is faster to use the "db
last_insert_rowid" TCL command.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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