
I tried the above patch and it resolves the issue! Also you were right
about use of "*" in attach. I misinterpreted the output of my test in
that case.

Thank you so much for taking the time to fix this! When can I expect
this patch to make it into a release?

Adam Levy

On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 8:23 AM Dan Kennedy <danielk1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27/2/63 05:04, Adam Levy wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > When I have a database connection with a temp table of the same name
> > as a table in main, I am getting what I feel is unexpected behavior
> > from the session extension.
> >
> > Most succinctly, I start a session on a connection on the main db with
> > a table with an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, attach it to all tables by
> > passing NULL, make a change such as a single INSERT in aforementioned
> > table, and then record a changeset. Then I invert this changeset, and
> > apply that inverse to the same connection, to reverse the changes just
> > made.
> >
> > Normally this works flawlessly. However, if a table by the same name
> > exists in the temp database on that connection, I run into odd
> > behavrior.
> >
> > If the temp table has different rows than the main table, a very odd
> > changeset conflict occurs. The conflict type is SQLITE_CHANGESET_DATA
> > but when I examine the changeset iter the values for the columns, they
> > match the conflicting values. The inverse of an INSERT is a DELETE so
> > this conflict type indicates that one of the non-primary key column
> > values doesn't match, but in every examination of the database and the
> > changeset I have performed they do match. The primary key exists and
> > matches as well.
> >
> > If the temp table has the same rows at the main table (what the
> > changeset expects), the changeset_apply does not raise a conflict, but
> > it takes no affect on the main table.
> Thanks for reporting this. As far as I can figure, it's a bug in
> sqlite3changeset_apply(), not sqlite3session_attach(). Now fixed here:
>    https://sqlite.org/src/info/f71a13d072398c9f
> If you get the chance, please check if this fixes your test script and
> let us know if it does not.
> > This can all be avoided by being explicit about the database when
> > calling sqlite3session_attach.
> > For example passing "*" or "main.*" or "main.<table>" avoids the
> > issue.
> I think that's just because sqlite3session_attach() doesn't understand
> any of those shorthands. If you pass "*", it searches for a table named
> "*", not a table that matches the glob pattern "*".
> Thanks,
> Dan.
> > But it occurs if NULL is passed. This is not obvious and
> > arguably not expected given that the documentation about the Session
> > extension makes it seem like it should be already scoped to a single
> > database on a connection. After all, sqlite3session_create accepts the
> > database as an argument. Also, sqlite3_changeset_apply appears to be
> > specific to the "main" database. So it shouldn't care about whats in
> > the temp database at all.
> >
> >  From all of the docs I have read on the Session extension this seems
> > like misbehavior at the level of sqlite3session_attach being passed
> > NULL for the zTab argument. At the minimum perhaps a note in the
> > documentation of sqlite3session_attach would be appropriate.
> >
> > Below is a very simple example that can reproduce this behavior. It
> > has a number of lines commented out that describe how the bug can be
> > avoided to caused.
> >
> > Its written in Golang, but the library it uses is just a very thin
> > wrapper around the C interface. It is using the latest 3.31.1
> > amalgamation. I help maintain the SQLite library that it uses and can
> > confirm that everything being called here is a very thin wrapper
> > around the C interface. I could write a C example but it would take me
> > more work.
> >
> > The library it calls to print the SQL of the changeset is a utility I
> > wrote that is just using a thin wrapper around the changeset_iter to
> > parse the changeset into human readable SQL. It of course is not aware
> > of database names so it doesn't print "main" but this SQL is just for
> > displaying to the user. The values returned by
> > sqlite3changeset_conflict are formatted into the comments of that
> > printed SQL.
> >
> > The code can be more easily downloaded here:
> > https://github.com/AdamSLevy/sqlite-session-bug
> >
> > // main.go
> >
> > package main
> >
> > import (
> >      "bytes"
> >      "fmt"
> >      "io"
> >      "log"
> >
> >      "crawshaw.io/sqlite"
> >      "crawshaw.io/sqlite/sqlitex"
> >      "github.com/AdamSLevy/sqlitechangeset"
> > )
> >
> > func run() error {
> >      conn, err := sqlite.OpenConn(":memory:", 0)
> >      if err != nil {
> >          return fmt.Errorf("sqlite open: %w", err)
> >      }
> >      defer conn.Close()
> >
> >      fmt.Println("Creating tables...")
> >      err = sqlitex.ExecScript(conn, `
> > CREATE TABLE temp.t(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, a,b,c) --- remove this
> > line or rename the table to avoid issue;
> > `)
> >      if err != nil {
> >          return err
> >      }
> >      fmt.Println("Starting session on main...")
> >      sess, err := conn.CreateSession("main")
> >      if err != nil {
> >          return err
> >      }
> >      defer sess.Delete()
> >      // An empty string will pass NULL to sqlite3session_attach and allow
> >      // the bug.
> >      var attach string
> >      // Any of these prevent the bug.
> >      //attach = "*"
> >      //attach = "main.*"
> >      //attach = "main.t"
> >      fmt.Printf("Attaching to %s ...\n", attach)
> >      if err := sess.Attach(attach); err != nil {
> >          return err
> >      }
> >
> >      fmt.Println("Inserting into main.t ...")
> >      commit := sqlitex.Save(conn)
> >      err = sqlitex.ExecScript(conn, `
> > INSERT INTO main.t(a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3);
> > INSERT INTO temp.t(a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3) --- This line avoids the
> > conflict, but the changeset doesn't apply to main.t like expected;
> > `)
> >      if err != nil {
> >          return err
> >      }
> >      commit(&err)
> >
> >      sql, err := sqlitechangeset.SessionToSQL(conn, sess)
> >      if err != nil {
> >          return err
> >      }
> >      fmt.Println("changeset:", sql)
> >
> >      chgset := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
> >      if err := sess.Changeset(chgset); err != nil {
> >          return err
> >      }
> >      invrt := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
> >      invrtCp := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
> >      if err := sqlite.ChangesetInvert(
> >          io.MultiWriter(invrt, invrtCp), chgset); err != nil {
> >          return err
> >      }
> >
> >      sql, err = sqlitechangeset.ToSQL(conn, invrtCp)
> >      if err != nil {
> >          return err
> >      }
> >      fmt.Println("inverted changeset:", sql)
> >
> >      /*// Dropping the temp table avoids the issue...
> >      fmt.Println("Dropping temp table...")
> >          err = sqlitex.ExecScript(conn, `
> >      DROP TABLE temp.t;
> >      `)
> >          if err != nil {
> >              return err
> >          }
> >      */
> >
> >      fmt.Println("applying inverted changeset...")
> >      conflictFn := func(cType sqlite.ConflictType,
> >          iter sqlite.ChangesetIter) sqlite.ConflictAction {
> >          fmt.Println("ConflictType:", cType)
> >          sql, err := sqlitechangeset.ConflictChangesetIterToSQL(conn, iter)
> >          if err != nil {
> >              fmt.Println(err)
> >          }
> >          fmt.Println("Conflict:", sql)
> >          return sqlite.SQLITE_CHANGESET_ABORT
> >      }
> >
> >      if err := conn.ChangesetApply(invrt, filterFn, conflictFn); err != nil 
> > {
> >          return err
> >      }
> >      fmt.Println("done.")
> >
> >      sql, err = sqlitechangeset.SessionToSQL(conn, sess)
> >      if err != nil {
> >          return err
> >      }
> >      if len(sql) > 0 {
> >          return fmt.Errorf("Error: current session changeset not empty: 
> > %v", sql)
> >      }
> >      fmt.Println("success")
> >
> >      return nil
> > }
> >
> > func filterFn(string) bool { return true }
> >
> > func main() {
> >      if err := run(); err != nil {
> >          log.Fatal(err)
> >      }
> > }
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