You might want to look at using AppForge ( which takes a
slightly restricted version of VB6, VB.NET and C# and can produce output for
many handheld devices (including PPC).  Also, you can program in .NET for
the desktop and .NET compact framework for the Pocket PC.

John Oliva

> I hope to use the same (type) language for desktop and ppc 
> programmation. The most likely candidate seems evc++ & vc++. 
> (I still have to learn it) even more so because the intended 
> tool calls for lowlevel access to the serial port on the 
> pocketpc (Dallas Ibutton interfacing).
> I'm however concerned about the database connectivity. On a 
> previous attempt, I bought Sybase PocketBuilder on sybase's 
> reputation of being proficient at different db formats. Only 
> to find out dbase, foxpro support and such was scrapped from 
> pocketbuilder.
> glenn

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