Hello, I am trying to get sqlite to work on AIX 5.3. It seemed to compile fine and I can access my db file and do selects. However, any kind of update or create will fail with the following error:

   sunjin:/usr/local> ./bin/sqlite3 gg.db
   SQLite version 3.3.2
   Enter ".help" for instructions
   sqlite> CREATE TABLE nodes (name TEXT UNIQUE, grouptype INTEGER);
   SQL error: disk I/O error

It is not a file permission issue and in this case it did actually create a zero byte gg.db file.

The sqlite3 file is small (86k)and I have the LIPPATH set to point to the libraries. I had a large binary (1.3MB) sqlite3 from version 3.1.3 wiich ran fine. but I needed the libraries for Ruby.

Any advice,

Bob T

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