For original announcement with links see

    Kexi Team Ships Beta Version of the First Major 1.0 Release to Free
    Integrated Database Environment

January 31, 2006 (The INTERNET). The Kexi Team today announced the
immediate availability of Kexi 1.0 Beta 1, codenamed "Black Mamba", the
newest release of the integrated environment for managing data.


(since 0.9 version)

    * Improved data-aware forms.
    * Form Designer's Data Source Pane for assigning data source to
      forms and widgets. Object tree view for easier navigating within
      widgets hierarchy.
    * Import from CSV files and pasting tabular data from clipboard.
      Export data to CSV files and copying tabular data to clipboard.
      Automatic detection of delimiters and column types.
    * Improved server connection dialog. Stored connection data.
    * Support for images in forms (stored as BLOBs).
    * New form widget: multiline editor.
    * Improved MS Access (MDB) file import (optional plugin).
    * Improved import of server databases to a file-based projects.
      Entire Kexi projects (not only tables) can be imported too.
    * Scripting plugin (Python and Ruby) to extend functionality,
      including example script for HTML export.
    * Simple printouts, print settings and print preview for table and
      query data.
    * Handbook added (incomplete).
    * More than two hundreds of overall improvements and bug fixes.

See also Detailed information on changes
</wiki/wikiview/index.php?DetailedChanges1.0> and Screenshots


Kexi binary packages provided by some Linux/UNIX vendors are available
within KOffice release
Testing Facilities with klik <> are also available.

MS Windows installation package from OpenOffice Polska
<> is available

Full Kexi source code ready to compile can be obtained with instructions

    More information

This version is released within KOffice KOffice 1.5 Beta 1

*How to compile Kexi*. To learn how to compile Kexi, see this document

*Support.* Kexi users are invited to report bugs and wishes. This can be
done by using the KDE Bug Tracking System <>.

*Unsupported features.* Updated list of unsupported features and known
problems is also available


*Mailing lists* for users and developers are now available

*Jobs*. /"Ask not what Kexi can do for you, ask what you can do for
Kexi"/. Kexi Team is looking for developers, and package maintainers
(vide supported Linux distributions). Translators, testers, users and
development documentation writers, and any other forms of support are
also welcome. Contact <> the
Team for more information.

*Multiplatform Availability.* Kexi on Linux (e.g. Debian) is available
for many architectures <>,
including 64-bit Intel/AMD and Apple PowerPC.

*Features in progress.* Scripting using Python and Ruby languages; Auto
Field widgets in forms.


Kexi is developed by Kexi Team - an international group of independent
developers, with assistance and workforce coming from the OpenOffice
Polska <> company.

    About Kexi

Kexi is an integrated environment for managing data. It can be used for
creating database schemas; inserting data; performing queries, and
processing data. Forms can be created to provide a custom interface to
your data. All database objects - tables, queries and forms - are stored
in the database, making it easy to share databases.

As Kexi is a real member of the K Desktop Environment
<> and KOffice <> projects, it
integrates fluently into both on Linux/Unix. It is designed to be fully
usable also without running KDE Desktop on Linux/Unix, MS Windows and
Mac OS X platforms.

Kexi is considered as a long awaited Open Source competitor for MS
Access, Filemaker and Oracle Forms. Its development is motivated by the
lack of Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools for database systems
that are sufficiently powerful, inexpensive, open standards driven and
portable across many OSes and hardware platforms.

regards / pozdrawiam,
 Jaroslaw Staniek / OpenOffice Polska

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