Kirill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello
> select * from tResult where tex like '%ra%'
> result = 0
> select tex from tResult where id  = 3229
> tex = "...Oracle..."

Hints:  Unless you provide more information that you have
shown above, your ticket will likely be ignored.  The
following kinds of information will help us to isolate
and fix the problem:

   * What version of SQLite you are running.
   * What operating system you are using.
   * Did you build it yourself or used a precompiled
   * What language bindings you are using.
   * The database schema.
   * The specific SQL statement that fails.
   * Can you reproduce the problem using the command-line
     shell or does it only appear in your program?
   * Include a reproducible script that demonstrates
     the problem.
   * If appropriate, attach a ZIP archive of your database
     file to the ticket.

D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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