> Version 3.3.0, 4th bullet:  "More efficient coding of boolean
> values resulting in a smaller database file"
> --
> D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Oh that's it! But seems doesn't like file format log changed :-)

On 2/20/06, Jens Miltner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 3.3 changed the database format, but can read/write any 3.x format.
> However, once you create or vacuum a database with 3.3.x, the format
> is updated to the newest format and older implementations can't read
> it any more.
> See <http://sqlite.org/formatchng.html> for details

I just found it. Nice 3.3 can read/write 3.x, but no PDO_SQLITE
updated yet ATM, the latest is 3.2.8, so the problem is PDO_SQLITE
then I need to wait someone updated it.

Thanks for the infos.
Firman Wandayandi
Never Dreamt Before: http://firman.dotgeek.org/
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