You can model NULL with the creation of a few more tables 
listing the rows in which information is absent. But why should 
you create more work for yourself? People find SQL to be useful in 
its present form - NULLs and all. It is a fairly standard and well 
known thing.

If some people wish to pursue writing The Third Manifesto or some 
other SQL-derivative work, they should consider making a new 
SourceForge project of it (or whatever). Debating its merits here 
is offtopic to SQLite.

> I think you've missed the concept of NULL.  You seem to be thinking of
> the NULL pointer as used in most programming languages.  They use a
> constant to indicate an empty pointer and call it NULL.  A NULL is NOT a
> specific value, it's the absence of value or information.  Since you
> don't know what a particular NULL is, it can be anything.

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