
I found this site but unfortunately it is intended for the J2SE/J2EE but not for the J2ME (Java 2 Mobile Edition). Me I work under J2ME with configuration CLDC. But the latter does not comprise all APIs java which one finds under J2EE.

From: Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Sqlite CLDC
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 08:22:18 -0700

EL AMRANI Jalal wrote:


I am a new developper in the J2ME technology, I want to connect to a file
SQLITE database through JDBC by using the CLDC configuration. I know that
the java.sql API does not exist but i make this question for our programmers
for many explation.

And I shall be aware of that it dosn't exist any PURE Java JDBC driver in
J2ME for SQLite.
And as I know one uses JNI to invoke non-java libraies.

I want that you help me please if it is possible to have a JDBC for SQLITE

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Google is your friend. Try searching for "SQLite JDBC". Among other things it will lead you to http://www.ch-werner.de/javasqlite/overview-summary.html

Dennis Cote

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