This is probably off-topic for this list, so let me apologize in advance
if it is. I don't have a probably in using sqlite itslef, but in rather
how to use a UI to present the info to the user. I am not neccesarily
asking for how to advice here, but rather pointers on where I can find
such advice.

I have written applications that will grab a record from an sqlite
table, and insert the values in pre-existing text boxes, which the user
can then change, finally clicking a save button, which sends the changed
data back to sqlite.

I have also written applications that will select multiple records, and
dump that data as a printed report on paper.

What I don't know how to do (without specialized tools) is to grab
multiple records and present them in editable fashion to the user,
keeping track of changes so thy can be written back. I am looking for
something like a datasheet view or continuous form on MS Access.

I have been advised to just place enough edits boxes for five or so
records, then fill in the first five, then give the user "Next Five" and
"Previous Five" buttons to click. But I would rather a solution in which
the user can scroll down to see all the records, (within reason).

I also want to do this with the least overhead and the most portable way
possible. My target audience is like my brother in laws business: they
have a few non-networked PC's with a mixture of versions of windows. My
second audience is my own home network of PC's running windows and

This, I believe, leaves out any tool that requires KDE or Gnome or
anything big and bloated. While I consider GTK to be big and bloated, I
guess that is the upper limit that I want to consider.

My language of choice is Basic, but do program in C, and have programmed
in C++.

So I am looking for links to  tutorials or how-tos, or even the right
string of text to use on google to point me in the right direction.

Any advice is appreciated.

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